Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another New Gig!

Here I go again.

While I have a few irons in the fire to start out the year, for now I am a listener advocate at my1079.

What is a listener advocate?

It's an interesting job.

The station runs without jocks, but I'm there every morning from 6-11am taking requests on the phone and by email.

I also update all of our social networking, and the station website.

I also co-anchor the Fox Newstalk 1430-AM noon news with Bob Horner.

You can call 228-1079 to make your request. or you can email me at

The GAB and OMG! sections of the website are the most interactive. I post interesting news stories for you to comment on, video clips to watch, etc.

Check it out and see what you think.